Tom Kashatus | Paul Jarecki | Karen Regician | Stephanie Stogoski | Mary Margaret Kashatus |
Palmira Miller | Heidi Selecky | Chris Todd | Wren DeAntonio | Lucy Wazowicz |
Francis Zaleski | Mary Jo Evans | Jim Caley |
- President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance and proceeded with the order of business.
- 1st Vice President, Palmira Miller read the minutes from the previous meeting of July 13th 2010. A correction to the minutes will read, “Also included were tool boxes and a craftsman tool set estimated value of $220.00 which the NTCO donated to Boy Scout Troop 430” will be added to #4 under the presidents report. Mary Jo made a motion that the minutes be accepted with correction and placed on file; seconded by Stephanie, with all voting in favor.
III. Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read and presented the treasurers report Mary Margaret made a motion that the treasurers’ report be accepted as read and placed on file; seconded by Stephanie, with all voting in favor.
- Reading of the Bills & Communication,
- Tom read a request for donation letter from Joe Brady for his Eagle Scout Project. Previously member of the NTCO voted to donate $400. Jim made a motion to issue a $400 check to Joe Brady for his Eagle Scout Project, seconded by Mary Jo, with all voting in favor.
- Reports of Committees
- Tom reports the 2010 membership stands at 159 members
- Tom & Palmira are finalizing plans for a Summer Fun field trip to the Mocanaqua pool, August 12th and the 19th.
- Tom stated the net cost of printing the quarterly newsletter is becoming too expensive for this organization to endure and we must take a good hard look at revenue from ads versus printing costs. The Summer Newsletter printing cost was $850, only $25 was received. Karen volunteered to seek ads and will discuss this with Bill. Members discussed more effective methods to reach into the community through email and the website.
- The orphanage miniature has been revised. Heidi passed out pictures to members for comment.
- Tom’s email database continues to grow and adds to the increase of hits on the website. Palmira will increase the disc space and bandwidth to meet demands.
- Unfinished Old Business
- Tom asked the Board of Directors if trustees were appointed and if a budget policy was developed. Heidi, being the only Director in attendance will take the lead to set up a meeting to discuss the issues.
- Tom has nothing new on the community event sign.
- Heidi is still thinking of ideas about junior memberships.
- Tom reports we are waiting on purchasing a picnic table and the park bench for the Coal Street Park. The cost is $625 for the table and $365 for the bench.
- Still waiting on the Recreation Board approval to purchase swings for the Alden Playground. Someone found seats to replace the ones on the existing swing set.
- Tom would like to see a Citizenship committee formed to honor township citizens for their achievement(s).
- Palmira had pictures developed to send out for the National and State Cleanup Reports. This year not only the reports were submitted on line, their website was set up to upload pictures and all documentation on line, so a photo album was put together depicting this years events and pictures are available to whoever wants.
VII. New Business
- Over the past 2 weeks members met and discussed fund raising events and the fall festival. Other organizations had interest in partnering with us in running the Fall Festival. Heidi made a motion to revisit the vote on the fall festival in conjunction with help from the Little League and Fire Department, Wren seconded the motion. Tom called for a hand vote. 11 yes, 1 abstained, 0 apposed. Motion carried. Palmira will chair this years Fall Festival, October 9th, at the Holy Child Grove, Sheatown. Dave Buchinski and Dan Kowalski will co chair.
- Members discussed holding a wine festival as a future event.
VIII. Good of the Organization
- Tom has a Lex Mark Printer cartridge for anyone who can use it.
- Linda is attending a community meeting in Shamokin tonight, her husband, Bob, was asked to speak as the local director for the PAOHV (Pennsylvania off Highway Vehicle Association). She or Bob will discuss the event at a future meeting.
- People are going to the website reading & making comments of what is published.
- As always, remember to support our local businesses and advertisers.
- Adjournment
Francis made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Karen, with all voting in favor.
Submitted by: Palmira Miller