To revitalize and beautify the Township.To promote charitable, civic, and social pursuits.To support and cooperate with all the fraternal, charitable, religious, patriotic and civic enterprises of  the Community of Newport Township.To protect the health and safety of its citizens of the community.To recommend programs and policies to the local governing body which will have a positive effect, both currently and in the future, throughout the Municipality.

Top Five Priority Projects
The Community Organization members conduct a mini strategic planning session to develop five proposed priority projects which the Organization respectfully requests the Board of Township Commissioners to direct its attention. The Community Organization remains cognizant of the fact that these recommendations are advisory only.  However, it is imperative that the Township begins to chart a course oriented toward correcting the major issues confronting the Municipality.

2011 Resulted in Eight Priority Projects
Strict Code Enforcement in all areas of the Township.Create an empowered Recreation Board with the ability to raise funds and have a budget.Hire a grant writer.Set up a discount program for senior citizens with regards to the waste removal & recycling fee.Encourage prospective developers of land and buildings to redevelop areas within Newport Township.Install pedestrian crossing signs at all school bus stops to slow down traffic especially during the school year.Encourage the employment of a camera system to monitor illegal dumping for the elimination of illegal dump sites throughout Newport Township.Encourage more effective methods of tracking absentee landlords to ensure that they follow all laws within their responsibility.

On August 25th, 2009 – Mini Strategic Planning Session results as follows:
Actively pursue grants to improve the overall quality of life within the Township, and retain the services of a grant writer to assist in this endeavor.Develop a ten (10) year plan for paving of the Township roads and alleys, and draft a five (5) year capital improvement plan for the purchase of equipment.Institute a program oriented toward refurbishment of all Township owned or administered recreational facilities.Continue to actively pursue the construction of a County and or State correctional facility within the confines of Newport Township.Continue, and if possible, expand Newport Township’s existing program of demolition of substandard structures throughout the entire Municipality.

On August 26th, 2008- Mini Strategic Planning Session results as follows:
Actively pursue grants to improve the overall quality of life within the Township, and retain the services of a grant writer to assist in this endeavor.Develop a ten (10) year plan for paving of the Township roads and a five (5) year capital improvement plan for the purchase of equipment.Strictly and equitably enforce all existing Township Ordinances and upon request make copies available to the residents of the Municipality at no cost.Develop an informational packet highlighting all salient attributes of the Township and make it available to prospective developers of land or buildings within the Community.Institute a program oriented toward refurbishment of all Township owned or administered recreational facilities.

On July 24th, 2007- Mini Strategic Planning Session results as follows:
Establish the position of a full time Building Code Official.Strictly and equitably enforce all existing Township Ordinances and upon request make copies available to the citizens of the municipality at no cost.Open communication and public input on issues having an impact involving the citizens of the community before the Commissioner vote.Develop a 10 year plan for paving of roads and a 5 year plan for equipment.In accordance to Ordinance 2 of 1975 appoint Newport Township Recreation Board members.

On July 25th, 2006- Mini Strategic Planning Session results as follows:
Establish the position of a full time Code Enforcement Official.Strictly enforce all existing Township Ordinances.Develop a recreational program which will meet the needs of Township residents of all ages.Establish a planning committee charged with developing a Municipality wide revitalization plan and address all public safety issues including those relating to all terrain vehicles.Rehabilitate the existing Townships Recreation Parks.

On June 28th, 2005 – Mini Strategic Planning Session results as follows:
Strict enforcement of all Township ordinances, with emphasis on those relating to abandoned vehicles, ATV’s, animals, including pets, and noise.Develop a comprehensive twelve (12) year plan for the community including road maintenance and development regulations for new construction.Initiate a demolition program for dilapidated homes, garages, and sheds throughout the community.Provide a full time manager with emphasis to provide funding and personnel in order to operate a full time Code Enforcement office.Enact a solid waste & recycling ordinance that provides a rebate to Senior Citizens.