
Tom Kashatus Frances Zaleski Paul Jarecki Mary Jo Evans Mike Figmic
Palmira Miller Linda Conner John Jarecki Russ Sager Mary Margaret Kashatus
Bill Hourigan Heidi Selecky Jim Caley Sia Sager Carol Marcincavage


President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance and proceeded with the order of business.


Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting of June 22nd 2010.  Carol Marcincavage made a motion that the minutes with minor corrections be accepted as read and placed on file; seconded by Heidi Selecky, with all voting in favor.


Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read and presented the treasurers report. Paul Jarecki made a motion that the treasurers’ report be accepted as read and placed on file; seconded by Sia Sager, with all voting in favor.


President, Tom Kashatus reports:

1.    2010 membership stands at 157 members.

2.    Tom presented an advertisement postcard from Ray’s Recycling to note competition for recyclable material in the township.

3.    Tom presented an email from South Valley Chamber of Commerce announcing the 4th Annual POW WOW and gathering of the People on August 14th and 15th.  This is an educational event “offering a glimpse of what the life of the Native Americans would be like”.

4.    Tom presented a letter he wrote to Mr. Bernard Dziedzic of Wanamie thanking him for the recyclable material of steel, light iron, and cast iron he gave to NTCO.  Also included were tool boxes and a craftsman tool set estimated value of $220.00 which the NTCO donated to Boy Scout Troop 430.

5.    Gross receipts from recycling to date are $6,382.00.


1st Vice President, Palmira Miller had no report at that time.


2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan had no report at that time.


Committee Reports


1.      In the absence of Melissa Bova, Tom has been working with Murph Fletcher for a joint effort by the Newport Township Recreation Summer Park Program and the NTCO Summer Fun Program.  Ice Skating and swimming events have been discussed.

2.      Tom passed around information on benches and picnic tables from PRO Commercial Playground Equipment.  As it has been mentioned previously, Newport Township Recreation Board was informed that NTCO would spend up to $1,000.00 for the purchase of benches and/or picnic tables for the Glen Lyon Coal Street Park.

3.      There was a brief discussion regarding Joe Brady’s Eagle Scout project of enlarging the existing pavilion at Coal Street Park.  There were questions if the pavilion will be made handicap accessible and on the final cost. NTCO has allocated $400.00 for this project.


1.     Heidi Selecky reports that she and Paul Jarecki are beginning work on the next calendar.

2.     Heidi Selecky provided an update on Saint Stansilaus’ Orphanage, the third miniature in the Newport Township Historical Sites Collection and reported that there is demand for more miniatures of Glen Lyon Breaker #6, which was the 2nd in the series.  More funds will be needed than the $988.00 allowance to produce both.  It was decided that the 3rd miniature will be produced within the allowance and funding for more of the 2nd miniature will be voted on in the future.


1.     Editor, Bill Hourigan reports that the 2nd quarter newsletter will be ready for distribution.

2.     The newsletter features an advertisement for the position of salesperson.  Anyone interested in selling advertisements for the newsletter should see Bill. The position pays 10% commission plus mileage.  It was questioned if there would be any tax complications on a paid position within a non-profit group.  Bill said he would look into the matter.

3.     Tom Kashatus has named Stephen Phillips to fill the vacancy on the Editorial Board after Carol Kuhn resigned her position.  Carol is moving to the Allentown area.


·        It was rumored that long-time resident, Leonard Zimolzak, a former teacher in the Newport Township school district, passed away early last week.  Anyone with information is asked to contact Tom.


Unfinished Business

  1. The Board of Directors still needs to appoint three trustees and a budget policy for the organization. Tom is concerned that despite repeated requests, the meeting of board members still has not occurred.
  2. NTCO is waiting to hear from Leigh Bonczewski regarding the partnership with GNA Rotary Club on a community grant that would be used for the purchase of swings at the Alden playground.
  3. There was a brief discussion centering on cost for the Community Event Calendar.  A LED sign would cost approximately $10,000.00 while a basic sign with enclosed lettering would cost around $500.00.
  4. Tom reminded the group that a request was received from the Guardian Elder Care Center for a donation to the Chinese Auction to be held at their annual Block Party. Heidi Selecky informed the group that she would have a basket of Newport Township memorabilia ready for the July 16th event.
  5. The clean up of West Kirmar Avenue due in June was postponed because of the hot weather.  An alternate date will need to be scheduled.
  6. There has been much discussion with no outcome regarding the annual Fall Festival.  The importance of the event as a major source of fundraising as well as the community spirit it brings has been much lauded.  However, due to a lack of enthusiasm and because no one has volunteers for chairperson, the viability of the event has been questioned.  During the meeting of June 22nd, Tom made the group aware that the subject would be voted upon at the next meeting.  Accordingly, the event was put to the floor. Carol Marcincavage made a motion to cancel the event; seconded by John Jarecki. With 15 members including officers in attendance, the vote was cast 8 to 4 in favor of canceling the event.


New Business

  1. Tom presented an article from the Citizen’s Voice newspaper regarding illegal fireworks in neighboring towns.  He wanted to use this opportunity to remind members the importance of attending monthly meeting of the commissioners and making their complaints known.
  2. Carol Marcincavage requested a donation for the children’s program at the Mill Memorial Library.  Tom advised that a written request should be presented to the membership for voting.


Good of the Organization

  1. Heidi Selecky has been appointed chair of the newly formed committee on junior membership.
  2. John Jarecki and Carol Marcincavage have been appointed chair and co-chair respectively of the Publicity Committee for Newport Township Community Organization.
  3. John Jarecki announced that a photograph of the new officers will be taken after the meeting of Tuesday, August 10th 2010.  The photo is for news publication and officers are asked to dress accordingly.
  4. Heidi Selecky announced that Susan Schwartz, a city planner by career, is interested in meeting with the group.  As a granddaughter of a Glen Lyon native, Susan has fond memories of the area and would like to discuss ways that improvements can be made. Tom welcomed such an opportunity and would like to discuss the matter further.
  5. As always, remember to support the businesses that advertise in our newsletter.



Francis Zaleski made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Linda Conner, with all voting in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm.

Submitted by: Linda Conner