Editors: Paul Jarecki Heidi Selecky Jarecki Publication Target Dates Modified as follows: Winter Edition January Spring Edition April Summer Edition July Fall Edition October All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Summer 2012
Editors: Paul Jarecki Heidi Selecky Jarecki Publication Target Dates Modified as follows: Winter Edition January Spring Edition April Summer Edition July Fall Edition October All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Spring 2012
Editors: Paul Jarecki Heidi Selecky Jarecki Publication Target Dates Modified as follows: Winter Edition January Spring Edition April Summer Edition July Fall Edition October All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Winter 2011
Winter Edition January All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month. Additions to the 2011 Winter Newsletter Newport Township 2011 Budget Wireless Internet Service Newport Township Authority
Fall 2011
Fall Edition October All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Summer 2011
Summer Edition July All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Spring 2011
Spring Edition April All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Fall 2010
Publication Target Dates Modified as follows: Fall Edition October All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month. Additions to or corrections to the 2010 Fall Newsletter “We recycle metals (motor blocks, brake drums, wheel rims, lawnmowers, steel or galvanized pipe, grills, appliances, … Read More
Summer 2010
Publication Target Dates Modified as follows: Summer Edition July All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.
Spring 2010
Publication Target Dates Modified as follows: Spring Edition April All articles, pictures and advertisements must be submitted prior to the 15th of the month preceding publication month.