
Tom Kashatus John Jarecki James Caley Leigh Bonczewski Steve Masakowski
Palmira Miller Stephen Phillips Paul Jarecki Michael Kush Mary M. Kashatus
Bill Hourigan Carolyn Phillips Heidi Selecky Mary Jo Evans Carol Marcincavage
Linda Conner Carol Kuhn


President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, and then proceeded to follow the order of business set from the previous meeting.


Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the meeting of February 23rd 2010.  Mary Margaret Kashatus made a motion to accept the minutes as read and placed on file, seconded by Mary Jo Evans, all voted in favor.


Assistant Treasurer, John Jarecki, acting on behalf of Treasurer Francis Zaleski, read and presented the treasurers report.

Steve Masakowski made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read and placed on file, seconded by Heidi Selecky, with all present voting in favor.


The Treasurer had no bills or communications to present at that time.


President, Tom Kashatus reports:

1.        2010 membership is at 126 members.

·         Tom Kashatus will sponsor new member, Juliana Zarzycki.  Jim Caley made a motion to accept; seconded by Mary Jo Evans, all voted in favor.  Tom Kashatus will also sponsor new member, Ed Yacuboski.  Stephen Phillips made a motion to accept; seconded by Bill Hourigan, all voted in favor.

2.        Tom asked for assistance in collection of membership dues and reminded that it is an individual responsibility of current members to encourage new membership.


1st Vice President, Palmira Miller reports:

1.        JP Mascaro, Inc. has promised a flatbed truck with a driver for our use in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.  Palmira discussed the arrangements and meeting time and place for members participating.

2.        The dates for the Great American Clean-Up are as follows:  April 17th is the Community Pride Event.  As usual, volunteers are needed for picking up litter along the local roadways.  The Big Junk Drop-Off has been tentatively scheduled for April 12th thru 16th, but these dates have not yet been confirmed.  The Illegal Dumpsite Clean-Up is scheduled for April 19th thru 23rd with Luzerne County Work-Release Program and PennDot.  Pennsylvania Environmental Council has offered their assistance with event coordination.


2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan had no report at that time.


Committee Reports

Summer Fun Program

1.       Tom Kashatus discussed the activities of swimming, mini-golf and bowling that will be provided as part of the Community Groups’ Summer Fun Program.  Of the $1,000 allowance, Tom mentioned the possibility of offering and remaining monies to Murph Fletcher for use by the Townships’ Summer Fun Program.  Stephen Phillips urged caution and Tom acknowledged that caution is needed in the handling of these funds.


Grant Writing

1.        Leigh Bonczewski made a presentation on behalf of the Greater Nanticoke Area Rotary Club regarding their partnering with NTCO for the application of a District Simplified Grant of $1,000.  The grant could possibly go towards equipment for the Coal Street Playground in Glen Lyon.  The risks and rewards of such an endeavor were discussed.  Palmira again renewed our commitment to participating in the renovation of the park.


Fund Raising

1.        Heidi Selecky discussed donating NTCO items not selling to area libraries, churches and group fundraisers.  Linda Conner offered remaining sweatshirt and fleeces to Heidi for her use.  Tom Kashatus discussed Heidi having full authority to use the items at her discretion.  Leigh Bonczewski made a motion to accept; Mary Jo Evans seconded, all voted in favor.



  1. Editor, Bill Hourigan discussed the hiring of person to sell ads for the newsletter, as was discussed during the most recent meeting of the Editorial Board.  Emphasis was given to the fact that any person or persons disagreeing with the opinion of the Editor has the opportunity to express his or her own views in the newsletter.


Unfinished business

  1. The updating of the Newport Township Community Organization by-laws continued.

·         President, Tom Kashatus presented the proposed change to Article VI – Section 2 [Terms of Office to add subcategory (b.)  “The Board of Directors of the Corporation initially selects or appoints the Trustees and shall be responsible for filling those vacancies when they occur.”  Palmira made a motion to accept; Bill Hourigan seconded, all voted in favor.

·         President, Tom Kashatus presented the proposed change to Article IV – Section 4 [Voting] to add the statement “Members may vote absentee ballot, by mail or email, by submitting a signed affidavit to officers prior to the date of the vote and must obtain confirmation of ballot from officers.  Vote will not be valid if ballot is incorrect and confirmation of ballot is not sent by officers and received by voter prior to the vote.”  Stephen Phillips urged caution, finding the statement, as written, unclear and easy to challenge.  Carolyn Phillips questioned the necessity of a section on absentee voting. A discussion ensued.  Palmira Miller made a motion to accept.  Carolyn Phillips countered with a motion to leave out the section of absentee voting altogether.  Paul Jarecki seconded.  The original motion was put to the floor with 6 voting yes and 9 voting no.  The by-law would remain unchanged.  Carolyn Phillips later made a motion to add that members must be “present and in good standing to vote”.  Leigh Bonczewski seconded; all voted in favor.  The by-law will state, “Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members.  Members must be present and in good standing to vote.”

·         President, Tom Kashatus presented the proposed change to Article XII [Amendments] to read “By-laws may be adopted, amended or repealed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present entitled to cast a vote thereon at any regular or special meeting, duly convened after notice to the members of that purpose.  Any by-law changes to be officially shall be approved at two consecutive meetings by members present.”  John Jarecki questioned the necessity of voting at two consecutive meetings. A discussion ensued.  Stephen Phillips made a motion to accept the by-law as proposed.  Bill Hourigan seconded.  John Jarecki asked for a hand count on vote.  Voting was put to the floor with 9 voting yes and 6 voting no.  Motion was accepted.

·         Palmira Miller made a motion to approve the by-laws; Leigh Bonczewski seconded, all voted in favor. The by-laws are now complete.

·         Tom Kashatus reminded members that they are entitled to a copy of the by-laws upon request.

New Business

1.   A complimentary ad in the newsletter was suggested for Brennan Construction Company who demolished the condemned house on Arch Street.  NTCO made approximately $700 in recyclable materials.  Linda Conner made a motion to accept; Mary Margaret seconded, all voted in favor.

2.   A complimentary ad in the newsletter was suggested for the Variety Stop and Penn Mart for selling NTCO calendars and collectibles.  Heidi Selecky made a motion to accept; Carol Marcincavage seconded, all voted in favor.

3.  It was reported by Mary Margaret Kashatus that the NTCO Hospitality Committee officially welcomed Busted Knuckles to Newport Township.


Good of the Organization

  1. The Newport Township Little League and Fire Department is having a hoagie sale with all orders due by March 12th.  Delivery will be on March 14th.
  2. A mini-class reunion for graduates of Newport High School will be held March 20th at the Italian Club in Glen Lyon.  Sylvia Vassia may be contacted for information.
  3. The Boy Scouts #430 are having a Soup Supper at the American Legion in Glen Lyon on Sunday, March 21st, which is also the day of the EMS Breakfast Buffet at Saint Mary’s in Wanamie.
  4. The Newport Township Little League and Fire Department will hold their annual bazaar on Memorial Day weekend.  It is a three-day event.  President, Tom Kashatus reminded members that this is good opportunity for member contribution.



Leigh Bonczewski made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Carolyn Phillips seconded, with all voting in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Submitted by:  Linda Conner