
Tom Kashatus Francis Zaleski Mary Jo Evans Heidi Selecky Mary M. Kashatus
Palmira Miller Linda Conner Stephanie Evans Paul Jarecki Steve Masakowski
Bill Hourigan Jim Caley Stephen Phillips Carolyn Phillips Carol Kuhn


The meeting by the Board of Directors was called to order on March 23rd 2010 following the regular meeting of the organization.  3 out of 5 directors were present, consisting of Stephen Phillips, Steve Masakowski and Heidi Selecky.  Russ Sager and Carol Marcincavage were absent.


There was no report to be presented at this time.


There has been no appointment of Trustees as of this date.


Former Treasurer, Steve Masakowski presented the fiscal report of 2009, which was then placed on file.  The full report will be published on the NTCO website.


With no further business to conduct at this time, Francis Zaleski made a motion to adjourn, Steve Phillips seconded; all voted in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

Submitted by: Linda Conner