Attendees: Tom Kashatus, Palmira Miller, Bill Hourigan, Frances Zaleski, Linda Conner, Mary M. Kashatus, Sia Sager, Steve Masakowski, Steph Stogoski, Carol Marcincavage, John Jarecki, Heidi Selecky, Paul Jarecki, Mary Jo Evans.
President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, and then proceeded to follow the agenda set at the previous meeting of January 27th 2010.
Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting. John Jarecki took exception to the stated number of members voting on his denied motion to have the newsletter editor sign all editorials. Exception noted and minutes amended to state eight [8] voted yes – thirteen [13] voted no. Mary Jo Evans made a motion to accept the minutes with amendment and have them placed on file; Steph Stogoski seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read the treasurer’s report. Written report was not presented at that time. Steve Masakowski made a motion to accept the report as read and placed on file; Mary Kashatus seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Treasurer, Francis Zaleski had no invoices or communications to present at that time.
President, Tom Kashatus briefly discussed the reserved funds and clarified set amounts.
President, Tom Kashatus reports:
- The organization has the following committees: Editorial Board, Great American Clean Up, Recycling, Summer Fun, Recreation Board, Fall Festival, Web Site, Fund Raising, Grant Research and Membership.
- a) The Editorial Board currently needs a member of the community organization to serve on committee. President, Tom Kashatus later appointed Carol Kuhn.
- b) Great American Clean Up, Recycling, Grant Research and Membership committees all currently need co-chair position filled.
- c) The Summer Fun Program and Fall Festival currently need both chair and co-chair positions filled.
- d) President, Tom Kashatus discussed need for more members to come forward and participate.
- 2010 membership currently stands at 112 paid members.
- a) Tom Kashatus stated he would sponsor Rick Rinehimer as a new member. Steph Stogoski made motion to accept; Mary Margaret Kashatus seconded motion, all voted in favor.
1st Vice President, Palmira Miller: No Report
2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan: No Report
New Business
- The nominating committee consisting of Palmira Miller, Bill Hourigan and Linda Conner have recommended the following nominations for Board of Directors:
- Three-Year Term – Steve Phillips and Russ Sager
- Two-Year Term – Tom Kashatus and Steven Masakowski
- One- Year Term – Heidi Selecky
- The following nominations were made from the floor:
- Two-Year Term – Heidi Selecky by Mary Margaret Kashatus
- One-Year Term – Carol Marcincavage by Paul Jarecki
President, Tom Kashatus closed nominations and provided an overview of the duties performed by members of the Board of Directors.
- President, Tom Kashatus proposed the following changes to the NTCO By-Laws:
- a) The address as stated in Article II [Offices] should be changed to 110 ½ Railroad Avenue Wanamie, Pennsylvania 18634. Steve Masakowski made motion to accept change; Bill Hourigan seconded motion, all voted in favor.
- b) Article VI – Section 1 [Board of Directors] should be amended to include the Treasurer as a member of the Board of Directors. Steve Masakowski stated that members of the Board of Directors should not be current officers of the organization. Bill Hourigan agreed and added that the Treasurer specifically should not be on the Board of Directors as a check on his/her powers. After further discussion from the floor, Treasurer, Francis Zaleski made the motion that no officer could also hold a position on the Board of Directors. Steve Masakowski seconded this. Bill Hourigan added the amendment also state that the Board of Directors can request the presence of any officer for meeting attendance. Frances Zaleski approved amendment of the motion and Steve Masakowski again seconded. Motion approved 12 to 1.
- c) Article VI – Section 2 [Terms of Office for Board of Directors] will include clause explaining the terms of office for the trustees as follows: Three trustees to be appointed initially 3-year, 2-year and 1-year terms. Upon normal expiration of a trustee’s initial term of office, that position will subsequently be open for appointment or reappointment to a full 3-year term by the Board of Francis Zaleski made motion to accept; Steph Stogoski seconded, all voted in favor.
- d) Article VII – Section 1 [Officers] will have sentence “to be appointed for two such terms as designated by a vote of the Board of Directors at the time of their appointment” Amendment will state as follows: Election of officers shall take place yearly. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President to consist of a minimum of five members. The nominating committee shall recommend their selections to the members. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor. Elections will be held by the end of the year with new officers to assume their duties January 1st of the subsequent year. Palmira Miller made the motion to accept; Sia Sager seconded, all voted in favor.
- e) Article XIII – Section 1 [Order of Business] with regards to the reading of bills and communications, it was recommended that an amendment be made to state that bills and communications be forwarded to the trustees for review. After some debate, Frances Zaleski made the motion to table the amendment until the following year; Steph Stogoski seconded, all voted in favor.
- f) Article V – Section 5 [Notice of Special Meetings] was amended to add the term “e-mail” as a delivery method to members for notice of a special meeting. Motion to accept this amendment was made by Mary Margaret Kashatus; Mary Jo Evans seconded, all voted in favor.
It was recommended by John Jarecki that Article V – Sections 1 & 2 [Meetings and Annual Meetings] be amended for flexibility of place, date and time. The motion was made by John Jarecki to have place, date and time of the next meeting set by majority vote of the members at the close of each meeting; Paul Jarecki seconded; motion was defeated 5 to 8. An amendment was made to state, “The place, date and time of individual meetings may be changed as necessary by majority vote for the benefit of the organization”. Paul Jarecki made the motion to accept; seconded by Heidi Selecky, all voted in favor.
Other Business
President, Tom Kashatus contacted William Kashatus, Professor of History at Luzerne County Community College with regards to a lecture before the group on local history. No date has been set.
The suggestion of our website acting as a community bulletin board and advertising township events was briefly discussed as was the sale of our calendars and DVD’s on E-Bay.
- A publicity photo will be taken at the Crime Watch meeting on Thursday, February 11th at the Italian Club in Glen Lyon for the shared purchase of a radio for the new, police vehicle.
- The Knights of Columbus will hold a Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, February 19th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Please contact Sia Sager (570) 736-6823 for ticket information.
- The Newport Township EMS will hold a Breakfast Buffet on Sunday, March 21st from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at Saint Mary’s in Wanamie. Tickets are $ 7.00 and take-outs are available. Please contact (570) 735-4652 for further information.
Frances Zaleski made the motion to adjourn the meeting; Steph Stogoski seconded the motion, all voted in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:18 pm
Submitted by Linda Conner