
Tom Kashatus Bill Hourigan Linda Conner Paul Jarecki Mary Margaret Kashatus
Palmira Miller Francis Zaleski Carol Kuhn Heidi Selecky


President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, the Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.  It was noted that, as per the by-laws, 10 members are needed for a forum and only 9 members were present.  Palmira Miller made a motion to continue the meeting with 9 members; Linda Conner seconded, all voted in favor.  President Tom Kashatus proceeded with the order of business.


Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting of April 13th 2010.  Mary M. Kashatus made a correction to the date set by the Crime Watch for its’ annual “Night Out”.  The tentative date is August 3rd 2010, not August 8th as read.  Mary M. Kashatus made a motion to accept the minutes with the noted correction and placed on file; seconded by Carol Kuhn, all voted in favor.


Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read and presented the treasurers report. Bill Hourigan made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read and placed on file; seconded by Heidi Selecky, all voted in favor.


The Treasurer presented the following bills for payment:

1.    To Erie Insurance Group, $744.00 for liability insurance covering the Board of Directors.  Palmira Miller made a motion to accept and pay the bill as presented; seconded by Bill Hourigan; all voted in favor.

2.    To Carolyn Phillips, $248.09 for food and miscellaneous expense.  It was noted that payment for this item was allowed for in the $500.00 budget allocated for expenses incurred with the “Great American Clean-Up”.  No further approval was necessary. (See Minutes of April 13th)


President, Tom Kashatus reports:

1.    2010 membership stands at 143 members. Tom will sponsor new member Harold DeStefano. Heidi Selecky made a motion to accept; seconded by Paul Jarecki, all voted in favor.  Tom will sponsor new member Caroline DeStefano.  Paul Jarecki made a motion to accept; seconded by Heidi Selecky, all voted in favor.  Tom will sponsor new member Frank Mayewski.  Palmira Miller made a motion to accept; seconded by Bill Hourigan, all voted in favor.

2.    Tom presented a communication from Dan Hulse, a strolling minstrel, offering his services for the Fall Festival.  The planning committee for the festival will discuss this in the future.

3.    Tom presented a request from the Newport Township Fire Department & Little League for a donation to their joint Memorial Weekend Bazaar.  President Kashatus wants to give this matter some further thought before committing a dollar amount.


1st Vice President, Palmira Miller reports:

·         The “Great American Clean-Up” is complete.  The report for the event was presented by Palmira and placed on file.  The final statistics were not yet available and will be presented at a future date


2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan had no report at that time.


Committee Reports


1.      It was again mentioned that applications for the children’s Summer Fun program are now ready.

2.      Heidi Selecky has done some research into a local history presentation on Olga Treskova and asked if she should pursue this further.  Linda Conner made a motion to approve; Mary Margaret Kashatus seconded, all voted in favor.


·        Tom made the group aware that Carolyn Phillips sprained her ankle while cleaning up after preparing and serving lunch to the volunteers participating in the dumpsite clean up on Thursday, April 22nd.  He asked the committee to send Carolyn a note with our hopes for her swift recovery.


·         Heidi Selecky would like to discuss in the near future the production of the 3rd miniature, Saint Stanislaus’ Orphanage in Sheatown, as part of the Newport Township historical sites series.

Old Business

1.       The purchase of swings for the Alden Playground was again briefly discussed.  Palmira has done some research and found a two-swing set that can be purchased and installed for around $ 2,000.00.  As this purchase will be made within a community grant partnership with the GNA Rotary Club, further discussion should be had with the club or club representative on what is right for the playground versus’ what can be afforded.

2.      The Board of Directors needs to appoint their trustees for 2010.  If the board cannot do so, the membership should be informed.


New Business

  1. A budget should be set by the Board of Directors that will allow the organization to pay for necessities and spend proportionately what is earned from other programs, while allowing for a minimum of $10,000.00 to be kept in the treasury.
  2. A special addition of the quarterly newsletter has been proposed to highlight the recent “Great American Clean Up” event.  This 4-page addition could be printed for approximately $212.00 and be distributed the end of May.
  3. Palmira believes the need exists for the main road from Alden to Glen Lyon to be cleaned up every two months rather than every four months. Heidi Selecky made a motion to increase this event to 6 times a year; Palmira Miller seconded, all voted in favor.


Good of the Organization

  1. Tom Kashatus announced that Trudy Murphy-Schell will be working on a list of successful, Newport Township graduates.  Anyone with information should contact Ms. Schell.
  2. Tom reminded those present that the political forum to meet the candidates for state representative will be held   7:00 pm, Monday, May 10th at Luzerne County Community College Educational Center. All members should make an effort to attend and encourage their family and friends to do likewise.
  3. Mary Margaret Kashatus announced that a tentative date for a trip to the Lackawanna/Luzerne County Stadium to see the minor league “YANKEES” has been set for Saturday, August 28th 2010.  Anyone interested should see Mary Margaret.



Francis Zaleski made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Bill Hourigan seconded the motion, with all voting in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Submitted by: Linda Conner