Awarded 1st place honors for the Environmental Action Award in the 2011 Community Awards Program held by the Non-Profit & Community Assistance Center of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
NTCO participated in the following educational events:
A bicycle race for kids at Patriots Square, Nanticoke
An Earth Day event at Lowe’s Home Improvement Center, Wilkes-Barre
The National Night Out event sponsored by the Newport Township Crime Watch at the Recreation Park, Wanamie.
Held three (3) Summer Fun events for the children of Newport Township including 2 trips to the Mocanaqua pool for a day of swimming and refreshments and a “tie-dye” tee-shirt event.
Purchased and installed a game table, a large picnic table and a park bench at the Coal Street playground in Glen Lyon.
Developed an official logo for the organization.
Prepared and served dinner for the Holy Spirit Parish VISION program that provided shelter for homeless men at Saint Adalbert’s Church in Glen Lyon.
Prepared and delivered 156 lunches, water, refrigerators and other necessary supplies to the flood victims in Mocanaqua.
Established an Outstanding Citizenship Award program honoring Mrs. Joseph (Phoebe) Hillian, as the first recipient for her commitment to community service within Newport Township.
Continues to publish and distribute a quarterly newsletter.
Continues the Recycling Program that keeps metals from the landfills and earned the organization over $13,000.
Continues to involve all organizations within the township.
Participated in the Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania from March 1st to May 31stresulting in 1,714 hours worked by 175 volunteers covering 30 miles, removing 739 tires, recycling 16 tons of various metals, disposing of 50 tons of trash, held one educational event and eradicated 11 illegal dumpsites.
Partnered with the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s Community Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup program eradicating 2 sites in Newport Township and 1 site in Ashley. All sites then had access blocked to prevent dumping from continuing.
Participated in Luzerne County’s Electronic & Tire Recycling events, recycling 2,200 pounds of various electronics and 350 tires.
Expanded fundraising items to include tee shirts, hats, hooded sweatshirts, as well as, the calendars, DVD’s, and miniature historic site collectibles.