January 14th 2014, 6:30 P.M. EST
Coal Miners’ Kitchen • Glen Lyon, PA.
Palmira Gregory Miller
Tom Kashatus
Bill Hourigan
Francis Zaleski
Linda Conner
John Jarecki
Wanda Stec
James Caley
Paul Jarecki
Heidi Jarecki
Ron Davis
Faye Maloney
Steve Dymond
Sharon Julius
Alice Dymond
Mary Jo Evans
Cindy Foringer
William Weaver (guest)
Tony Strish (guest)
I. President, Palmira Gregory Miller called the meeting to order on the above date and time, led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and proceeded with the order of business.
II. Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting of December 10th 2013. Mary Jo Evans made a motion that the minutes with noted corrections be accepted as read and placed on file, seconded by Heidi Jarecki, with all voting in favor. The regular meeting of Tuesday, December 24th 2013 was cancelled in observance of Christmas.
III. Treasurer, Francis Zaleski presented the revised treasurers’ report for December 10th 2013. Faye Maloney made a motion that the treasurers’ report be accepted as read and placed on file, seconded by Bill Hourigan, with all voting in favor. The Treasurer then presented his report of January 14th 2014. All Account Reserves of 2013 were cleared with the exception of petty cash with a balance of $100.00. Bill Hourigan made a motion that the treasurers’ report be accepted as read and placed on file, seconded by Sharon Julius, with all voting in favor. After a brief discussion, it was decided that all Account Reserves would be reinstated with the exception of the “Newport Township Authority Demolition Reserve”. John Jarecki asked for clarification of the demolition “soft costs” from 2013, which 1st Vice President, Tom Kashatus provided an explanation for.
IV. Reading of the Bills & Communications
a) The President announced that for 2014, in lieu of two, regular meetings a month; a regular meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the month and a work session will be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The work session will differ by being somewhat shorter in duration and utilized for the setting of an agenda that will be discussed at the next regular meetings. No payments will be approved at work sessions. Attendance remains open to all members and guests.
b) Francis Zaleski presented an out-of-pocket expense of $46.00 for postage. Mary Jo Evans made a motion to reimburse the expense in full, seconded by Faye Maloney, with all voting in favor.
c) Tom Kashatus presented an out-of-pocket expense of $13.25 for engraving of Lifetime Membership cards to Richard Barski and Mary Ann Reale. Steve Dymond made a motion to reimburse the expense in full, seconded by Linda Conner, with all voting in favor.
d) Tom Kashatus presented a donation of $300.00 from Lawrence & Diane Olenginski who have graciously given a yearly monetary gift to the organization for the past few years. As per NTCO policy extended in appreciation of monetary gifts of $50.00 and above, Mr. & Mrs. Olenginski will be given courtesy membership for one year.
V. Reports of Committees
a) Membership – Tom Kashatus reported that there were 219 members for 2013. Tom Kashatus will sponsor Cindy Foringer as a new member. Mary Jo Evans made a motion to accept the new member, seconded by Sharon Julius, with all voting in favor.
b) Fundraising – Heidi Jarecki reported that Holiday sales amounted to approximately $600.00. The 2013 calendar and Najaka’s’ Pond miniature (5th of series) both sold well.
c) Newsletter (Editors, Advertisements & Distribution) – Editors Paul & Heidi Jarecki reported that the winter 2014 newsletter is in distribution and that an outline for spring 2014 is in the works. Heidi stated that she plans on writing an article commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Newport Township Police Department, which was founded March 1914. Palmira stated that this year will mark the 10th anniversary of the Newport Township Community Organization. Faye Maloney reported for Joe Maloney that all advertisements for 2013 were paid, with the exception of Barbara’s Custom Floral, which had an issue that Joe has been working on. It could not be confirmed that the full page ad placed by Harold Destaphano was also paid in full.
d) Publicity – John Jarecki reported that an article regarding the Holiday Lights Recycling Drive appeared in both, local newspapers and that he was working on a press release for the Citizenship Award. It was reminded that a photograph was still needed of the check presentation to the Newport Township Police Department for the body camera purchase.
e) Hospitality – Mary Margaret Kashatus reported via email that a card was sent to Joe Miller, who is receiving therapy at Birchwood Nursing & Rehabilitation Center following surgery. A card was also sent to the family of Albert Kanyuck in condolence of his recent passing.
f) Newport Township Recreation Board – Heidi Jarecki reported that she contacted Newport Twp. commissioner, Jack Vishnefski offering her home as a site for upcoming meetings of the Newport Township Recreation Board. Cindy Foringer stated that she is interested in becoming a member of the board. Tom Kashatus will recommend Ms. Foringer to the Newport Township Board of Commissioners on behalf of NTCO and Heidi Jarecki will make a recommendation as a member of the Recreation Board.
g) Recycling – Tom Kashatus reported that collection of recyclables has been very slow, probably due to the holidays and frigid temperatures. Palmira asked that everyone get the word out regarding the Holiday Lights Recycling Drive. John Jarecki will look into the event being added to the WNEP Channel 16 online bulletin board.
VI. Unfinished Old Business
a) Palmira Miller stated that she would be presenting the $2,000.00 check towards demolition “soft costs” to the Newport Township Authority at their next meeting on January 16th 2014.
b) Tom Kashatus stated that he plans on approaching Sedor Insurance Group for a proposal covering the insurance needs of the organization for 2014.
c) The entry to the 2014 Waste Watchers Award will be discussed at the work session to be held January 28th 2014. Our submittal was specifically requested by Beth DeNardi, Recycling Manager for Luzerne County Solid Waste Management.
VII. New Business
a) The updating of the NTCO website was discussed in some length with many suggestions from the floor. It was reminded that Chris Carey offered to present a proposal for updating and monitoring of the website. James Caley stated that his son-in-law, Josh Thomas works in this field and could also submit a proposal. Heidi Jarecki made a motion for NTCO to receive proposals on a website make-over. Tom Kashatus stated that he would second the motion providing that Heidi Jarecki chair a committee to oversee the changes. Heidi agreed and appointed Paul and John Jarecki to the committee. The motion was seconded and all voted in favor.
b) Ron Davis discussed the upcoming “Bowl over Cancer” event benefitting the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Wyoming Valley. The event will be held Sunday, February 23rd 2014 at Chacko’s Family Bowling Center in Wilkes-Barre from 1 to 3pm. After a brief discussion, Linda Conner made a motion for NTCO to sponsor a lane for the event at a cost of $50.00, seconded by Tom Kashatus, with all voting in favor. Flyers for the event were made available for posting.
c) There will be a business card exchange held on Friday, January 17th 2014 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Wilkes-Barre, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. These “meet & greet” events promote the introduction of civic organizations to one another.
d) Heidi Jarecki discussed an initiative to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Newport Township Police Dept. She suggested that perhaps a banquet could be held. There is interest on the part of the Glen Lyon Crime Watch on chairing such an event. Township businesses and civic organizations would be approached for support. There will be future discussion on this matter and how NTCO would be involved.
e) A work session of the Newport Township Community Organization is scheduled for 6:30pm, Tuesday, January 28th 2014 at the Coal Miners’ Kitchen on East Main Street in Glen Lyon.
f) The Board of Directors for the Newport Township Community Organization will meet 6:30pm, Tuesday, February 11th 2014 at the Coal Miners’ Kitchen on East Main Street in Glen Lyon for presentation of the Annual Report. The regular meeting will immediately follow.
g) On a personal note, 1 st Vice President, Tom Kashatus stated that Pete Keblish, late beer garden proprietor & owner of the building that is now the site of the Coal Miner’s Kitchen, would be pleased to see his backroom put to use again.
VIII. For the Good of the Organization
a) Maintenance of both the memorial tree at the Wanamie Recreation Park and garden at the Coal Street Playground in Glen Lyon is the responsibility of all members.
b) The president of the organization will always ask for a complete report and cost analysis for projects involving income and expense as a measure of accountability.
c) Members of the organization should attend public meeting throughout the township whenever possible.
d) New membership, fundraising, etc. are the responsibility of each and every member.
e) Whenever attending an event as an NTCO member, promote the organization with pride.
f) As always, remember to support the businesses that advertise in the NTCO newsletter
IX. Adjournment Francis Zaleski made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Faye Maloney, with all voting in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.
Submitted by: Linda Conner