
Tom Kashatus Frances Zaleski Paul Jarecki Steve Masakowski
Palmira Miller Linda Conner Sia Sager Mary Margaret Kashatus
Bill Hourigan Steve Phillips Russ Sager Harold DeStefano


President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, the Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present then Tom proceeded with the order of business.


Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting of April 27th 2010.  Palmira Miller made a motion to accept the minutes as read and placed on file, seconded by Bill Hourigan; all voted in favor.


Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read and presented the treasurers report. Steve Masakowski made a motion to accept the treasurers’ report as read and placed on file, seconded by Mary Margaret Kashatus; with all present voting in favor.


The Treasurer presented the following bills for payment:

·      To Erie Insurance, $456.00 for liability insurance covering property loss and personal injury. Mary Margaret Kashatus made a motion to accept and pay the bill as presented, seconded by Sia Sager; all voted in favor.


President, Tom Kashatus reports:

1.     2010 membership stands at 145 members. Mary Ann Smocharski will sponsor Tania Grieb as a new member.  Palmira Miller made a motion to accept; seconded by Linda Conner, all voted in favor.

2.     Tom introduced new member, Harold DeStefano, who was in attendance.

3.     After some thought, Tom suggested that a cash donation of $100.00 be made to the Newport Township Fire Department & Little League for their annual Memorial Weekend Bazaar.  Bill Hourigan made a motion to accept; seconded by Paul Jarecki, all voted in favor.  This is in addition to the ten cases of bottled water that has already been donated.


1st Vice President, Palmira Miller reports:

·      The final numbers for the “Great American Clean Up” are not yet available.  To assist in putting the final report together, the national event coordinators will hold a webinar on Tuesday, May 18th from 3:00 to 4:00pm.  Palmira has registered to participate from her home computer.  Bill Hourigan and Linda Conner will attend.


2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan had no report at that time.


Committee Reports


1.     Tom brought a few applications for the children’s Summer Fun program with him for anyone interested.

2.     Paul Jarecki briefly updated the group regarding the progress Heidi Selecky is making on the local history presentation featuring Olga Treskova.


·       Due to time constraints, the special edition newsletter highlighting the recent “Great American Clean Up” will not be publicated.  The event will be featured in the next quarterly newsletter.


1.     Paul Jarecki made a motion to contact the “Cats Meow” to begin the third, collectible miniature in the Newport Township historic site series; Bill Hourigan seconded, all voted in favor.   As discussed previously, Saint Stansilaus’ Orphanage will be featured.

2.      Confirmation is needed on whether or not the grounds at Holy Child have been reserved for October 9th, the agreed date of the Fall Festival.  At this time, there is still no assigned committee chairperson for the event.


Unfinished Business

  1. The Board of Directors still needs to appoint three trustees for the organization. After a brief discussion, it was noted that the there is nothing in the bylaws to disqualify a Board of Director from also being a trustee.
  2. NTCO has agreed to split the cost of the recent legislative forum with South Valley Chamber of Commerce. Though an invoice has not yet been received, with approximately 60 people in attendance at $5.00 per person, our share should be around $150.00.  Steve Phillips made a motion not to exceed $200.00 in cost; Bill Hourigan seconded, all voted in favor.
  3. It has been tentatively agreed to purchase two benches and two picnic tables for the Coal Street Park. The cost of the items will be around $550.00, though tax, shipping and additional expenses are not known.  Russ Sager made a motion not to exceed $1,000.00 in cost; Steve Masakowski seconded, all voted in favor.
  4. Tom updated the group on his progress of contacting other local organizations with regards to a shared, community event calendar.  Where the calendar can be located for maximum, public exposure was talked about.


New Business

  1. There was a brief discussion with the Board of Directors present regarding a suggested $10,000.00 treasury minimum.  No definite amount has been consented to.
  2. Some statements made in the 1st quarter Newport Township Commissioners’ Newsletter relating to infringement of township recycling regulations were mentioned.  Tom explained his policies and procedures in obtaining discarded items for profit and non-profit recycling.  Whether the statements were made towards the active recycling program of NTCO is not known.


Good of the Organization

  1. Paul Jarecki suggested adding local historical pictures to the NTCO website.
  2. A reminder was made that Trudy Murphy-Schell is currently working on a list of successful, Newport Township graduates. Please notify Tom if you know of someone worthy of mention.
  3. The importance of supporting the businesses that advertise in our newsletter was again emphasized.



Francis Zaleski made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mary Margaret Kashatus seconded, all voted in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Submitted by: Linda Conner