
Tom Kashatus Francis Zaleski Mary Jo Evans Heidi Selecky Mary M. Kashatus
Palmira Miller Linda Conner Stephanie Evans Paul Jarecki Steve Masakowski
Bill Hourigan Jim Caley Stephen Phillips Carolyn Phillips Carol Kuhn

President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, and then proceeded to follow the order of business.


Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting of March 9th 2010.  Mary Jo Evans made a motion to accept the minutes as read and placed on file, seconded by Mary Margaret Kashatus, all voted in favor.


Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read and presented the treasurers report. Steve Masakowski made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read and placed on file, seconded by Heidi Selecky, with all present voting in favor.


The Treasurer had no bills or communications to present at that time.


President, Tom Kashatus reports:

1.  2010 membership is at 128 members.  Mary Jo Evans will sponsor and made a motion to accept Stephanie Evans as a new member, seconded by Bill Hourigan, all voted in favor.  Mary Margaret Kashatus will sponsor and made a motion to accept Dr. Michael Kush as a new member, seconded by Stephen Phillips, all voted in favor.


1st Vice President, Palmira Miller reports:

1.    The participation of the Newport Township Community Organization in the Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade held in Wilkes-Barre was a success.  Palmira thanked everyone who came out.

2.     The Big Junk Drop-off was confirmed for the week of April 11th.  Starting on Monday, April 12th a dumpster provided by JP Mascaro Inc. will be located at “3 legged” pond, before the site of the Saint Nicholas’ Cemetery.

3.     The Community Pride event will be held Saturday, April 17th with the cleanup of the main roads in Newport Township.  Volunteers are needed.

4.     The Illegal Dumpsite Clean-Up will start Monday, April 19th at Saint Vladimir’s’ Cemetery in Alden and continue at various other sites thru Friday, April 23rd.  Palmira confirmed the attendance of a crew from the Luzerne County Work Release Program.  Volunteers, especially those with pick-up trucks, are welcome.


2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan reports:

Reporting as Editor of the Newsletter, Bill Hourigan announced that Miss Shannon Kowalski, a student at College Misericordia, was hired for ad sales.  The 1st quarter newsletter would be available the end of March.


Committee Reports


Heidi Selecky confirmed that the Women’s Activity Group is selling Entertainment Books, which were previously suggested for possible sales by NTCO.



As a possible idea for the community grant partnership with the GNA Rotary Club, Tom Kashatus mentioned that the Alden Playground is in need of swings for the smaller children (under 6 years old).


Unfinished business

Heidi Selecky brought up some possible locations for an outdoor community event calendar, which was discussed at a previous meeting.  Tom felt this endeavor would be beneficial to the township and named Heidi as chairperson.  A possible partnership with the Newport Fire Department was mentioned.


New Business

1.     Steve Phillips announced that NTCO in conjunction with the South Valley Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a forum to meet the candidates for the office of state representative.  The event is scheduled for 7:00pm, Monday, May 10th2010 at Luzerne County Community College Conference Center.  Light refreshments will be served.

2.     The grounds at Holy Child Grove have been reserved for the Fall Festival on October 9th 2010.

3.     Heidi Selecky made it known that the recent soup supper held by the Scouts did not have the attendance they hoped for and made a motion for a donation to be given to the Scouts.  $100.00 was committed to each troop, Pack #376 and Pack #430 for a total of $200.00.  This was seconded by Jim Caley; all voted in favor.

4.     Paul Jarecki questioned how much the organization could give comfortably in donations.  A brief discussion ensued.  Steve Phillips suggested that an allocation for gift giving be set in the budget at the beginning of the new fiscal year.


Good of the Organization

1.     Tom reminded the organization that the Crime Watch photo would be taken on the second Thursday in April at the Italian Club.  All were encouraged to attend.

2.     Tom also reminded that the business meeting by the Board of Directors was to follow upon adjournment.



Steve Phillips made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mary Jo Evans seconded the motion, with all voting in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Submitted by: Linda Conner