
Tom Kashatus Francis Zaleski Russ Sager Heidi Selecky Carol Marcincavage
Palmira Miller Linda Conner Sia Sager Carol Kuhn Steve Masakowski
Bill Hourigan John Jarecki Paul Jarecki Mary Margaret Kashatus


President, Tom Kashatus called the meeting to order on the above date and time, the Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present and the order of business was proceeded with.


Secretary, Linda Conner read the minutes from the previous meeting of March 23rd 2010.  Mary M. Kashatus made a motion to accept the minutes as read and placed on file, seconded by Carol Kuhn; all voted in favor.  Secretary, Linda Conner then read the minutes from the Board of Directors meeting of March 23rd 2010.  Mary M. Kashatus made a motion to accept the minutes as read and placed on file, seconded my Carol Kuhn; all voted in favor.


Treasurer, Francis Zaleski read and presented the treasurers report. Sia Sager made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read and placed on file, seconded by Carol Marcincavage; with all present voting in favor.

The Treasurer presented the following bills for payment:

1.    To CPS Direct, $944.89 for printing of the newsletter.  Steve Masakowski made a motion to accept and pay the bill as presented, seconded by Bill Hourigan; all voted in favor.

2.     To Shannon Kowalski, $20.62 for 10% commission plus mileage for sales of $131.25 in newsletter advertisements.  Mary M. Kashatus made a motion to accept and pay the bill as presented, seconded by Russ Sager; all voted in favor.

3.    To Nonprofit & Community Assistance Center, $65.00 for 2-year membership renewal.  Palmira Miller discussed the benefits of belonging to such an organization and made a pamphlet available to anyone interested.  Steve Masakowski suggested that the information be updated to reflect Palmira as the main contact.  Bill Hourigan made a motion to accept and pay the bill as presented, John Jarecki seconded; all voted in favor.


President, Tom Kashatus reports:

1.    2010 membership stands at 135 members.

2.    Tom presented a letter from Peggy Schoezkopf who is looking for help in learning the date of death of a John Smith.  Though the letter is unclear, it is assumed that John Smith is buried in Newport Center Cemetery.  Linda Conner offered to assist Ms. Schoezkopf.

3.    Tom set an allocation budget of $ 500.00 for expenses incurred with the Great American Clean-Up project. Heidi Selecky suggested $750.00 as the amount.  After a brief discussion, $500.00 was agreed upon.  Heidi amended her suggestion and made a motion to accept, Carol Marcincavage seconded; all voted in favor.


1st Vice President, Palmira Miller reports:

1.     The Community Pride event will be held Saturday, April 17th starting at 8:00am.  Volunteers are to report to the municipal building.  The clean-up will concentrate on the main township roads.  A luncheon will follow.

2.     Two dumpsters were placed at the “3-legged” site on Monday for the Big Junk Drop-Off event.  Response so far has been good.  This event is primarily for large, household item and yard waste.  Tires, construction debris, and hazardous waste are not allowed.  Everyday, household garbage should be reserved for weekly pick-up.

3.     A few areas have been slated for the Illegal Dumpsite Clean-Up beginning Monday, April 19th.  If you are interested in volunteering your time, please see Palmira.


2nd Vice President, Bill Hourigan had no report at that time.


Committee Reports


1.     Applications for the children’s Summer Fun program are now ready.   As mentioned previously, the events for this year are mini-golf, swimming and bowling.

2.      Also mentioned previously was the idea of purchasing swings for the Alden Playground as part of the community grant partnership with the GNA Rotary Club.  Tom Kashatus has looked into pricing and could not find anything under $3,000.  He would like to do some further research into the matter before committing.


Old Business

  1. The Crime Watch photo opportunity is now complete.  To those of attended, your participation was appreciated.
  2. Tom has some ideas for the much discussed, outdoor community event calendar.  He will meet with chairlady, Heidi Selecky and make a presentation to the group at a future date.


New Business

  1. It was mentioned that the plaque bearing the names of deceased members has not been updated in some time.  Russ Sager has volunteered to see that the updating is done.  Anyone with information to offer should see Russ.
  2. The Newport Township Crime Watch Group will hold a “National Night Out”.  Pending confirmation, a tentative date of August 3rd has been given for the event.
  3. Tom spoke briefly about illegal dumping in the township.  He would like anyone with knowledge of such sites to document their existence and location with photographs.
  4. Russ Sager made the officers aware of complaints that have been made regarding the time length of the meetings.  President, Tom Kashatus concurred and stated that it is the goal of the new administration to keep the meetings short and still get the necessary business done.


Good of the Organization

  1. Heidi Selecky stated the she has been approached many times regarding the newsletter and has received nothing but positive comments.
  2. Mary Margaret Kashatus let the group know that new business, Busted Knuckles was so pleased with their featured article in the newsletter that they had it framed.
  3. Sia Sager stated that the article on the history of Saint Dennis Church, featured in the March newsletter, was well done.
  4. President, Tom Kashatus emphasized the importance of supporting the businesses that advertise in our newsletter.
  5. Mary Margaret Kashatus gave kudos to Tom for making the effort to bridge the gap with the township’s recreation board.



Francis Zaleski made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Sia Sager seconded the motion; with all voting in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Submitted by: Linda Conner